
Sarasota Landscape Maintenance Professionals

Sarasota Low Impact Landscape Design

Art Studio Landscape Grant Beatt 18/12/2020 Grant Beatt

Art Studio Landscape

Project Goals– Simple– Elegant– Low-MaintenanceRemove the existing Foxtail palms and allow for more light to penetrate into the understory. #57 lime rock was used to define the circulation patterns through the landscape. Terracing was achieved by using riprap boulders to create planting beds. Low volume irrigation system will provide adequate water for plant establishment. Infiltration […]

Low Impact Modern Grant Beatt 03/11/2020 Grant Beatt

Low Impact Modern

Project Goals– Large flat roof – Stormwater management goal was to reduce and dampen Stormwater energy.
– Protect existing Live Oak Hammock and Mangrove Community
– Use native vegetation wherever possible
– Landscape not to interfere with views of the Gulf

– Low-Maintenance
Our SolutionFlorida-friendly, low impact design featuring native plants including Cabbage Palms. Open pool rewards the homeowner with […]

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