What Property Managers Should Ask Their Landscaping Company

The Importance of landscaping
When it comes to landscaping and lawn care, many things are done daily to maintain good looks. Your landscaping company maintains turf, hardscape, plants, trees, ornamentals daily from month to month, even over the years. With careful management, beauty can be maintained and cultivated for years to come, but that all depends on what you want to see your landscape company do for you. If you’re not interested in long term maintenance, then you’ll get radically different services compared to if you entrust the care of your trees to a contractor.
Landscaping Basics
But in general, the three most essential things landscaping companies can do is cutting, fertilizing, and, most importantly, irrigation. While there are many other things that landscaping companies do, they usually do those three things every time they visit or every further visit. That begs the question of what does your landscaping company do when they arrive? How is the mowing, cutting, irrigation, fertilizer done?
Beyond that, though, things such as verticutting, top dressing with compost, mulching, and other custom solutions such as tailored to each situation with the local terrain in mind are what separates a reputable landscaping company from a great one. Ensuring great care is maintained in all things from hydrology to soil, topography, weather, researching local climatic knowledge, hardscaping techniques when it comes to any landscaping company room for improvement is available. For instance, one might think that all landscaping companies do mow the lawn or spray chemicals, but that’s not true. Most of the excellent landscaping comes from precise measurements long term read offerings that influence how a specific area is taken care of. Waterfront canals in Sarasota, Florida, will be taken care of in a unique way compared to a lawn in central Florida. The terrain is entirely different; much more emphasis has to be placed on stormwater management and preventing pollution than the more Inland property.
Advanced Landscaping Techniques
Solutions such as side gardens, mangroves, gentle slopes, drainage, mulching, etc. are implemented to ensure that no pollution leaks into the outside world. Landscaping companies also have to consider how much time they need to spend with you instead of other clients; they need to plan how they will deal with all the demands for this type of job. There are many quick small techniques, like minimizing water and fertilizer usage, to save money and prevent unwanted weed growth.
Seasonal planting techniques such as rotating plants throughout the year to promote healthy growth is another small tip that can go a long way. When it comes to landscaping and general conduct, what do you see your local landscaping company do, and what you want for your property. Do you have big plans or small plans? Do you want flowers, shrubs, trees, or just a weekly trim?
Situational Landscaping
What about implementing a new landscape design: is it residential, commercial, condominium, or beachfront? All these questions seem simple enough, but they carry great weight for landscaping companies because they won’t have a direction to move towards without them. When it comes to general conduct, things should be managed carefully, quickly, and efficiently with as minimal environmental impact as possible. Mistakes will be made, of course, but they should be rapidly corrected and compensated for. The most important thing for a landscaping company that is above all is proper preparation. With enough time, all potential situations will be anticipated.
GreenTech’s Approach towards landscaping
GreenTech is a Sarasota landscaping company with a long history of landscape design and management for those who are curious and would like a landscaping company that will ensure long-term results at an affordable rate. We don’t just fix problems. We prevent them from happening and provide nothing but satisfactory results for South West Florida homes and businesses. Our choice of plants is low impact, optimized for growth, and easy to care for.
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